All Counselors in Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City counselors are trained to help residents handle any crisis, from family issues to marital problems that may require the intervention of a professional. Counselors are available through most health insurance programs and specialize in different areas depending upon the needs of the client. Salt Lake City counselors can also make referrals to clients should be they in need of more specialized or medical care.

1144 West 3300 South #200 South Salt Lake UT 84119
(801) 973-7400
Aspire Addiction Recovery Centers is a professional and caring facility for addiction treatment and rehab in Utah. Our innovative non-12-step program is a holistic approach that focuses on causes.
10815 700 E Sandy UT 84070
(801) 867-3472
Sunrise Solutions of Sandy, Utah offers a variety of counseling and mediation services to meet your family's needs.
870 East 9400 South #104 Sandy UT 84094
(801) 657-5312
Is your relationship falling apart? Do you and your partner always fight? Does it feel like your family is out of control? Do you want some unbiased help to guide you through your relationship problems? We can help.
160 1000 East Salt Lake City UT 84102
(801) 716-7003
The Salt Lake Relationship Center helps couples and individuals who are feeling isolated in their lives find their true selves and find deeper connection.
13552 S 110 W #204 Draper UT 84020
(801) 432-0883
We provide individual, couples and family therapy. We have a wide range of clinicians and specialties. We can help you find peace and happiness in your life and in your relationships. We can help!
2727 N Washington Blvd #302 North Ogden UT 84414
(801) 590-7462
Swinton & Associates Counseling of North Ogden, Utah has the compassionate therapists and doctors you can trust. Counseling options include marriage and family counseling, couples therapy, individual psychological treatment.
262 E. 3900 S. #120 Salt Lake City UT 84107
(801) 230-8785
Comprehensive assessment, confidential treatment & measurable results.
123 Salt Lake City UT 84101
(801) 915-9875
This is the best description this business could provide.
8160 South Highland Drive, #103 Sandy UT 84093
(801) 944-0944
Counseling and psychotherapy for individuals, couples, and families.  Twenty-five years of clinical experience.  Enjoy making important positive changes in your self, your relationships, and your life within a few sessions.
2180 E 4500 S, #150C Holladay UT 84117
(801) 738-5390

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